Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bible Study

I have not been updating this blog for the past month or so, and I am sorry to anyone who has been coming here looking for new post.   But I do want to let everyone know that a few of my friends and I have started a Bible Study which we do several times a week and anyone who is interested is welcome to join us.  As of now we hold them on Skype, but I am not sure how many people skype will hold in one conference call, so if the numbers increase then we may have to move over to pal-talk or some other program.  If anyone is interested in being apart of these bible studies then contact me on skype @ perfectlawofliberty  -  You can also email me @  -  or you can call me at 804-694-6733

Thank you for your interest and may our King and Lord bless you.

Did you receive any edification from this blog?

should I continue these blogs?